Apply for Millfield Scholarship 2023- for US Students | Application Updates

Millfield scholarship are open to students entering the school at any age, and are awarded based on a combination of academic ability and potential. These scholarships can cover up to 100% of tuition fees, and are typically awarded following an assessment of the student’s academic abilities and potential.

Sporting scholarships are also available to students at Millfield, and are designed to support talented young athletes in their chosen sport. These scholarships are available to students entering the school at any age, and can be awarded on a partial or full-fee basis. To be considered for a sporting scholarship, students must demonstrate a high level of ability in their chosen sport, and may be required to participate in trials or assessments.

In addition to academic and sporting scholarships, Millfield also offers a range of artistic scholarships to students who excel in music, drama, or art. These scholarships are open to students entering the school at any age, and can be awarded on a partial or full-fee basis. To be considered for an artistic scholarship, students must demonstrate exceptional talent and potential in their chosen artistic discipline, and may be required to participate in auditions or assessments.

Millfield’s scholarship program is designed to recognize and support talented students, and provides a range of opportunities for young people to excel in their chosen fields. Whether you’re a talented athlete, musician, or student, there may be a scholarship available to help you achieve your goals at Millfield.

Overview of Millfield Scholarship

Millfield is a co-educational independent school located in Street, Somerset, England. The school is known for its strong focus on sports, with numerous facilities and teams across a range of sports, including athletics, rugby, football, swimming, and equestrian. In addition to its strong sports program, apart from Millfield Scholarship, it also offers a range of academic programs and has a reputation for academic excellence.

Benefits of Millfield Scholarship

One way that Millfield supports talented young athletes and students is through its scholarship program. The school offers a range of scholarships to recognize and support talented students in various areas, including academic, sporting, and artistic achievement. Scholarships are available to both new and current students, and can be awarded on a partial or full-fee basis.

Scholarship Deadlines for Applicants in September 2023

Year 6, 7 and 8 Scholarships

Please note that Scholarship applications for Years 6, 7, and 8 are now closed. however, a timetable for applying for a Millfield Scholarship is written bellow. The application Dates for applying for a 2024 Scholarship will be added in the New Year.

Millfield Scholarship Evaluation

Scholarship evaluations will take place on the dates listed below.

  • Mid-December – CAT4 assessment via remote, online access
  • Mid-December – set a date for remote, online CAT4 evaluation.
  • Thursday, January 12 – Academic Scholarship Interviews and evaluation of creative writing
  • Thursday, January 12 – Art and Music Scholarship evaluations and interviews
  • Friday 13 January – All Sports Scholarship practical assessments and interviews will take place on Friday, January 13th.

Year 9 Scholarships (13+)

Applications for Year 9 Scholarships are now closed.

Scholarship evaluations will take place on the following listed dates.  Upon receipt of your registration form and scholarship application, applicants will be notified of which dates they must attend.

  • Monday 23 January – Music
  • Tuesday 24 January – Music, Dance, Drama and Sport
  • Wednesday 25 January – Art, Product Design
  • Thursday 26 January  – Computer Programming, Dance, Drama and Sport
  • Monday 20 – Wednesday 22 February Academic Scholarships

Scholarships for Sixth Form (16+)

Sixth Form Scholarship applications for 2023 entry are now closed. The deadline for submissions was October 3, 2022.

Apply Here!

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